Jammu- It is hereby notified for the information Of all concerned Of Year B.Sc, B.Com BBA, B.C.A, B.Com (honour) 'B-A. Politlcal Science (Honour) {B.A Psychology (Honour)/BA EXAMINATION as the ease may be, that as one-time RELAXATION due to the pres ailing pandemic situation. the following concessions/relaxatvorts shall be given to the students in (Summer Zone;private) and Regular and Private) Semester examination and also supplementary examination of Semester 2020-21 (Summer and to bc conducted at the College level:
a) the College shall conduct Online Open Book Examination.
b. That students shall have to attempt any four que%suons 001 of the given eight questions. each question equal weighvage.
c) the candidates shall have to write the answers on size white sheets only.
d) That the candldate shall have to put his/her Name & Signature on the top ngbt hand corncr ofeach page
e) That the tile to be uploaded should be named as per the format given as under:
Sem -Roll No-Course code
f) That the candidate shall be given a total of hours to attempt and upload the same COPY on the 'Ink to be provided the College on the day ofexamination
g. That every student shall have to submit the answer sheets (origmall_v uploaded) of cach sublect In a separate file within two working days after the completion of last examination
Note : The Principals shall ensure that the SOPs issued by the Government from time to time be strictly adhered to in letter and spirit.