Important Instructions for Jammu University Students Online Portal Exam JUNE-2021
Important Instructions for the Students
All the students are advised to complete their registration process
Steps for the Registration
1) Go to Register option.
2)Click on Select your Stream, you will find two options B.A/B.Sc/ Home Science and B.A. Hindi Honors/ B.Com Honors.
For the students of Semester 6th CBCS/NON CBCS select B.A/B.Sc/ Home Science.
For the students of Semester 6th Honors select B.A. Hindi Honors/ B.Com Honors.
3) Enter Student ID and Registration number as displayed on the Admit card.
4) Click on Register Button.
5) In next window, student information will be displayed.
6) Verify your Mobile Number.
In case, the mobile number of the student displaying in the profile is incorrect, then the student can change it by entering correct mobile number.
“Click Here to Generate OTP & Verify Mobile Number” and enter OTP received on your mobile and click on Verify Mobile OTP.
You should be expected to get the OTP within 5 minutes. In case, you are unable to get the OTP after the lapse of 5 minutes, you are advised to contact at 7889560834 or
7) Verify your email address.
In case, the email address of the student displaying in the profile is incorrect, then the student can change it by entering correct email address.
“Click Here to Generate OTP & Verify Email Address” and enter OTP received on your emailed and click on Verify Email ID OTP. In case you have not received OTP in your inbox check the Spam folders and marked this email as “Not Spam”.
8) Enter your new Password and Confirm your Password, password entered in both textboxes should be same and maximum length of the password should not be more than 8 characters.
10) The message will be appeared that Your Registration Process is complete.
11) Login id will be your student id as mentioned on admit card
12) You will also receive your password on your registered mobile number and email address.