JKSSB Release Computer Based Written Test for various posts, Check the exam dates here
1.The J&K Services Selection Board vide notification No. SSB/COE/CBT-II/2021/5896-5906 dated. 27-08.2021, informed the concerned candidates that the examination for various categories of posts of various Department advertised vide Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01 and 02 of 2021, shall be held from 25th of September 2021 to 01st of October 2021.
2. Now, therefore, the final examination schedule indicating dates in respect of different categories of posts of the different Department is hereby notified as Annexure-A to this notice. It is further informed that the Admit Cards for the aforesaid posts shall be available for downloading from 15th of September, 2021 onwards from the J&K official website (www.jkssb.nic.in). The Candidates can get access to the Admit Cards from main homepage (Hall Ticket Computer Based Test (CBT) 25th of September 2021 to 01st of October 2021) by entering his/her application form number and Date of Birth.
3. The candidates are once again intimated that there shall be negative marking for wrong answers (0.25 for each wrong answer) attempted in the said examination. The detailed criteria of Selection and Syllabi for the said posts has already been notified and are available on the official website of the Board i.e www.jkssb.nic.in.
4. Any candidate who does not find his/her Admit Card must represent in the Central Office of the J&K Services Selection Board, Hema Complex, Sector -3, Channi Himmat, Jammu or Camp Office of the J&K Services Selection Board, Zum Zum Building, Rambagh, Srinagar with evidence in support of his/her claim. No claim or representation shall be entertained after 20th of September 2021.
Download Notification: Click here