Jammu University Junior Assistant syllabus 2021 PDF DOWNLOAD
The mode of recruitment alongwith the syllabus of Written Test for the post of 'Junior Assistant' in the University of Jammu, is hereby notified for the information of all concerned.
PART-1 Written Test-Objective Type : 100 marks
i) Numerical Ability - 20 marks
ii) Grammar - 20 marks
iii) English Comprehension - 20 marks
iv) Test of Reasoning - 20 marks
v) General Knowledge - 20 marks
Note: The minimum marks required to pass the written test and to be eligible for the next stage of evaluation part second shall be 40% of the total marks allotted.
Part-time Computer Type Test-Objective - 40 marks
Qualifying criteria: Minimum 40 words per minute with accuracy of minimum 90%
The candidate having minimum speed of 40 words per minute with accuracy of minimum 90% shall be awarded 30 marks and those having type speed over and over 40 words per minute shall be awarded one additional mark for one word each over and above 40 words subject to a maximum of 40 marks within the allocated time.
Note:- Only those candidates who qualify the computer type test shall be evaluated for the next stage of evaluation i.e, PART III, Computer Practical Test.
PART-III Computer Practical Test: 10 Marks
Computer Based practical Proficiency Test shall cover the complete MS Office.
Note: Overall merit of the candidates shall be determined on the basis of composite marks obtained out of total 150 marks comprising written (100 marks), Computer Type test (40 marks) and Computer Practical Test (10 marks). There shall be no Interviews.
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Jammu University