Jammu University Question Paper Complex Analysis( Mathematics). Course Code: UMTTE-602
Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ)
Q 3. For any complex number z, the maximum value of | z |+| z -1|is
Q 5. Which of the following is true:
Q9. The real part of the function sin(x+ i y) is
Q 10. The equation tan z = z has
Q 13. The period of ʄ (z) =cot z is
Q 15. Functions satisfying Laplace’s equation are called
Q 19. Which of the following is true:
Q 20. If ʄ (z) be analytic within and on a simple contour C, then a point giving the maximum value of |ʄ (z)|can be
Q 22. The square root of -15-8i is
Q.26. The expression cosh (x+y) – cosh (x-y) is equal to
Q.29. A non-constant entire function is
Q.39. A sequence with more than one limit point is