JKSSB Admit Card 2021 for Skill Test released on jkssb.nic.in-Direct Link here

JKSSB Admit Card 2021 for Skill Test released on jkssb.nic.in-Direct Link here

Jammu: JKSSB Admit Card 2021 is now available on the official website JKSSB.nic.in. Candidates would be able to download the admit card from jkssb.nic.in. Steps to download the admit card and other details can be found here.

* The admit card for Skill Tests for various posts of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk, and others have been released by JKSSB.

* Candidates would be able to download the Admit Card from the official website-jkssb.nic.in.

* The Skill Test for various posts would be conducted from November 10, 2021 for candidates.

Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board or JKSSB Admit Card 2021 is now available on the official website. The admit card has been issued for the Skill Test that would be conducted by JKSSB from November 10 to December 10, 2021. Candidates can find more details on jkssb.nic.in. 

The admit card has been released for the post of Junior Assistant, Jr Assistant /Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/ Clerk/Store Attendant, Cadrex Clerk, and Welfare Organizer, and others. Candidates should note that steps to download the admit card and other details can be found here.

JKSSB Admit Card 2021 Date:-

JKSSB Admit Card 2021 released November 2, 2021

JKSSB Admit Card 2021: Steps to Download

i) Go to the official website-jkssb.nic.in. 

ii) Now click on the notification on the official website that says, "Admit Card /Hall Ticket of Type Test (Skill Test) for the post of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk,Casher,Jr Assistant/Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/ Clerk/Store Attendant and Welfare Organizer, UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various Districts, Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 and 03 of 2021." 

iii) A new window would open up. Candidates would be able to download the Admit Card by logging in with their Application Id and Date of Birth, 

iv) After Filling All above details, the Admit Card would appear on the screen. 

v) Candidates should keep a copy of the Admit Card for future reference. 

vi)  Candidates should note that they have to report to the exam venue one hour before the Skill Test starts.

vii) Candidates should note that electronic devices such as Mobile Phones are not allowed inside the examination hall. Further, candidates should carry two recent passport size photos and a Photo Copy of each copy to the exam venue. 

viii) JKSSB Skill Test 2021 would be conducted with appropriate COVID-19 protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing. Further, in order to qualify in the Skill Test, candidates should have a typing speed of 35 words per minute. The third schedule of the Skill Test would be soon released by JKSSB on its official website. 

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