DC Reasi Charandeep Singh inspects Covid testing facilities at Katra Railway Station

DC Reasi Charandeep Singh inspects Covid testing facilities at Katra Railway Station 


REASI: In order to further contain the spread of COVID-19 new Varient Omicron across the district, District Development Commissioner, Charandeep Singh, chaired a meeting to intensify testing practices to keep a track on all people and piligrims entering Katra and other locations.

Charandeep Singh emphasized that the sampling is required to be done on a daily basis with other concrete measures to mitigate the pandemic in the district. Passengers arriving in the entry points need to show a negative RT-PCR test certificate and positive one will be mandatorily quarantined and dispatched back home safely following COVID-19 SOPs. He stressed that the traveling history of pilgrims and special immigrants need to be tracked and details need to be shared with respective officers. 

He further said that the guest visiting homes of near and dear ones need to mandatorily disclose their travel history. Charandeep Singh also emphasized for sharing Do’s and Don’t of virus Omicorn with local media of district Reasi besides displaying and erecting hoarding depicting DO’s & Don’t at Railway station and all other crowded places of the district. 

He further stresssed on announcement to be mandatory on Railway station platforms by RPF on arrival of trains. He instructed Health Department to work delicately and vigilantly and plug the loophole if any.

He also directed the Police to remain alert, vigilant and help in dispatching Covid Positives back to home safely. Abhishek, SDM Katra, Ravinder, DYSP Railways, Superintendent Railway station Katra, CMO, Reasi, Tehsildar Katra, ARTO Reasi besides officials of Railways and nodal officers participated in the meeting.

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