Application for Registration of Building and other Construction Workers Form J&K
Jammu & Kashmir department of labour now accepts online applications for labour registration. After successfully filling the online applications, the department scrutinizes the application and releases labour cards. This article explains all about the process for applying for labour card in J&K. If you are interested to get a new labour card, you must fulfill all eligibility conditions and apply properly. Let’s not waste time and get started right away.
Labour cards are only offered to registered laborers. Migrant or J&K workers, both need to get registered first.
J&K Labour Card & Construction worker Registration
Applicant should have completed 18 years and age must not exceed 50 years
Applicant should be engaged in any construction or building work for at least 3 months in the last 12 months
Which documents are required for J&K Labour registration
Along with the application, the applicant needs to attach the required documents. These are:
* Age certificate
* Identity and Address proof
* Employment certificate
* Bank passbook
* Ration card
JK Employment certificate | PDF Application Form
Many applicants are not sure about how to obtain an employment certificate. It is required to get your labor card, so skipping it is not possible. In order to obtain your certificate of employment, you need to fill in the form and submit it to the concerned officer. The concerned person will seal and signature the certificate and hand it over to you. You can then submit this certificate with your labour card application.
Here is the employment certification PDF Form
Who can apply for a labour card in Jammu & Kashmir
Stonecutter, stone breaker, stone crusher Mason or bricklayer
Carpenter Painter or varnisher
Fitter, bar bender Plumber
Electrician Mechanic
Well sinker Welder
Mazdoor Sprayman or mixer man
Wooden or stone packer Pump operator
Mixer driver Roller driver
Khalasi or Sarang Watchman at construction sites
Mosaic polisher Tunnel worker
Marble/stoneworker Rock breaker, quarry worker
Road worker Earth worker connected with construction work
Workers engaged in processing lime Workers engaged in erosion work
Any other category of workers actually engaged in construction or maintenance of dams, bridges, or building operations Brick manufacture
JKBOCW Labour Registration – JK New Labour Card Form 2021
Recently the jkbocw department has started the online registration facility for all those who want to register as a labourer in the state. This great initiative has now simplified the whole process. The whole registration process is a 5 step process, these are:
Filling Basic details
Filling family details
Uploading required documents
Previewing the filled-in form
Payment submission
Before you complete these 5 steps, make sure you get registered on the jkbocw portal.
The first step for the applicants is to get registered on the jkbocw website.
First of all, visit the website user registration page.
Enter the applicant name, district, mobile number, and OTP
Click on verify OTP & Submit
Once you have the username and password, you need to visit the login page and get logged in by providing username and password
Once logged in, you need to fill in the construction worker registration form. In the menu section, click on registration form link & fill in the basic details
The application number will be generated automatically after you will in the personal details
The basic details section also ask for information like Job card number, established details, etc
Then in the next section, you need to fill in the family details like family member name, Aadhaar number, Age, bank account details, etc
Now, move to the next step where you need to upload the required documents
Upload each required document and click on submit.
Then you can preview the filled-in application form. If all is good, “Click on generate challan” in the payment section.
Save the challan form and submit it in the bank
Fill in the challan number and upload the challan file and click on “Submit”.
Now you need to wait till your application is verified by the department.
J&K Labour Card / Construction Worker Application Status Check
Once you have successfully submitted your application, you need to wait till it is approved. You can use the status checking facility to check your registration status. To do so, follow these steps:
Just login to your account
Go to the worker registration page
Click on “Registration Status” to know the current status of your application
How to Download JK Labour Card
After your application is approved by the
department, you need to login to your account. There you need to go the Construction worker section and click on registration form. This registration form then appears on screen and it contains the construction worker application number. This approved registration form along with application number is your labour card. It can be used as labour card wherever asked.
JK Constuction Worker Card FAQs
Which department is responsible for managing construction worker applications?
jkbocw, J&K Building and other construction workers welfare board is the responsible body.
What is the most important document required for labour registration?
The most important document is employment certificate. The form can be downloaded from the jkbocw portal and then it will be verified
stamped and signed by concerned authority.
What is the mode to apply for labour card in Jammu & Kashmir?
One can apply online & offline for labour card. However the online form filling is more convienient.