JK School Education Department Recruitment 2022 Check Here Other Details Here
JK School Education Department Recruitment 2022 check here eligibility
Department of School Education, JKUT has invited application forms from the eligible candidates of the country as given below, Read details.
Department of School Education, JKUT has invited application forms for Appointment to the post of director, JKSCERT (JKUT) and Chairman JKBOSE from the eligible candidates of the country as given in the advertisement notice available on the official website of the School Education Department given below.
Where to Apply for School Education Department, JK Recruitment 2022:
For submission of the SCERT application filled in all respect the mail address is and for submission of the JKBOSE application filled in all respect the mail address is
Desirous and eligible candidates are informed to download the application form from the above website and submit the completely filled application form by or before 25th May 2022 on the above-mentioned emails and hardcopy(pdf format) shall be sent to the official address of the Principal Secretary to Government, School Education Department, Srinagar/Jammu against proper acknowledged.
In case of any issue please contact Mr. Umesh Sharma (Deputy Secretary to Government, School Education Department):
Official Notification: CLICK HERE
Application Form 1: CLICK HERE
Application Form 2: CLICK HERE
Official Website: http://www.jkeducation.gov.in/