JKSSB Results Notifications JKSSB notice regarding indicating order of preference for JE candidates

JKSSB Results Notifications JKSSB notice regarding indicating order of preference for JE candidates 

JKSSB notice regarding indicating order of preference for JE candidates Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB notice regarding indicating order of preference for JE candidates. Filling up of various categories of posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), (Public Works(R&B) Department), Item No 130 (05 of 2020) and (Jal Shakti Department), Item no 001 (01 of 2021), UT Cadre, seeking of preferences- regarding. Whereas, the JKSSB conducted Computer Based Written Test (CBT) examination for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), (Public Works(R&B) Department), Item No 130 (05 of 2020) and (Jal Shakti Department), Item no 001 (01 of 2021), UT Cadre, respectively w.e.f. 27.10.2021 to 30-10-2021 and;

Whereas, based on the performance of the candidates in Computer Based Written Test (CBT), the JKSSB, notified the Percentile Score of candidates vide Notice Nos. SSB/COE/CBT/2022/350-357, and; Whereas, the JKSSB vide Notice No. SSB/COE/CBT/2022/1857-66 Dated: 02.02.2022, called the candidates for Counselling cum Document Verification who are falling under consideration zone. Now, therefore, in order to fill up all requisitioned vacancies, all such candidates who have submitted multiple (two) application forms for aforesaid posts/items and are falling under consideration zone of more than one aforementioned posts/items, are hereby informed to indicate order of preference for all such posts / items, through the link provided on the official website of the Board www.jkssb.nic.in from 15.04.2022 upto 18.04.2022.

The Candidate(s) who fail(s) to indicate preference fully or partially in response to this notice, will be deemed to have agreed to allocation of Cadre(s), as shall be made by the Board.

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