JKPSC Combined Competitive (Prelims Examination) JKAS Last date Extended till 25/05/2022
Pursuant upon the issuance of S.O. 238 dated I May,2022 by the General Administration Department, it is notified for information of all the aspirants that Item No.05 (i.e. Age as on 1st January,2022) in Notification No.08-PSC (DR-I)) of 2022 dated 19-04-2022 regarding J&K Combined Competitive (Preliminary Examination)-2022, shall be substituted as under:-
Age as on 1st January, 2022
"The requirement of age for candidates belonging to (i) Open Merit Candidates, (ii) Reserved category candidates and in-service candidates, (iii) Physically challenged candidates is given below :
Provided further that in-service candidate who has completed two years service on 01.01.2022 in substantive capacity, to be certified by the Head of Department shall alone be eligible to claim the benefit of upper age limit.
Provided also that the candidates(s) already holding a civil post in the Union Territory of J&K shall submit the hard copy of the downloaded online application(s) through their respective Heads of Office to the Commission and in case the Commission receives intimation for withholding permission from the employer, in respect of a candidate who has applied for or is appearing in the Combined Competitive Examination his/her application shall be rejected and candidature also cancelled. Such a candidate may, however, be allowed to appear in the examination as a fresh candidate subject to the condition that the said candidate is otherwise eligible under rules.
Note: Two years of service for the above purpose will be determined as on 01.01.2022 as 1 st January is relevant for purpose of determining of age in the services."