Dr Ashima Badyal invited as expert and examiner as a part of Inter-institutional Faculty interaction exchange programme by premier institute of HP
Jammu Samvad: Dr Ashima Badyal, Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry Govt Medical, College, Jammu was invited as an expert and examiner to interact with medical faculty and graduates at Dr YS Parmar Government Medical College Nahan, District, Sirmaur, HP and visit the premises of the institution as part of Inter-institutional Faculty interaction programme. She with her vast teaching and research experience in the discipline of Biochemistry, shared many key points to the intuition in direction to setting up of state of excellence diagnostic hi tech labs in the department of biochemistry .
She said at all possible levels sources of errors (pre-analytical,analytical and post-analytical) should be minimised, standard operating procedures should be followed in Specimen collection, handling, processing, and storage of the sample and Methods of standardization & calibration as well as Methods of quality control, quality assurance, CAPA & assessment should be ensured at any cost. Further, while interacting, she maintained departments should undergo NABL training and try to get their labs accredited for ensuring clinician and patient assurance. She also stressed that clinical history and clinical correlation of the test reports should be encouraged in every state of art labs and research should be continuous and fundamental element in any good lab and one and all should be encouraged to produce a quality science.
She also interacted with MBBS students on ATCOM and competency based teaching learning new methods, she stressed that early clinical exposure and communication skill should be learned at the very beginning of the medical carrier. She also conducted the exam of first MBBS students in the institution.