JKSSB Finance Account Assistant (Finance) Exam Date Out, Check Details here
JKSSB Finance Account Assistant Exam Date:- Conduct of OMR Based Written Examination for the post of Accounts Assistant (Finance)
Kindly refer to the subject and reference cited above. In this connection, it is informed that the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is conducting OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) Based Written Examinations for the posts of Account Assistant (Finance) on 28.01.2024 tentatively in one session/shift (from 12.00 Noon to 02.00 PM) at various districts of Jammu and Kashmir Division.
The Divisional and District Administration have always played a pivotal role in the conduct of examinations organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board. A number of activities are to be undertaken at District level for ensuring transparency and fairness in the examinations. The General Administration Department has already notified detailed set of guidelines to be followed by the Divisional/District administration, vide Circular No. 05-GAD of 2016, dated 28-01-2016 (Copy Enclosed) for the smooth conduct of examinations for the Board.
in this context, I am directed to request your good self to kindly extend all possible cooperation and support to the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board in smooth, transparent and hassle-free conduct of above said examination in terms of the above instructions of General Administration Department. The list of District wise Exam Venue Exam Canters identified by the Districts and candidates scheduled to appear in the written examinations at Jammu and Kashmir Divisions is enclosed as Annexure “A” (Jammu Division) and Annexure “B”( Kashmir Division) respectively.
Further, It is requested that Authority invites proposals from interested firms/agencies Companies for the Supply and Installation of CCTV Camera in the offices Control Rooms as well in Institutions Mentioned in Annexure C. The Authority intends to select the firms /agencies / Companies for the Supply and Installation of CCTV Cameras in the offices For ensuring transparency.
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