Mushtaq Ahmad Teacher on JKSSB VLW exam duty Suffered Heart Attack Dies

Mushtaq Ahmad Teacher on JKSSB VLW exam duty Suffered Heart Attack Dies

SRINAGAR: A government teacher died of suspected cardiac arrest while dispensing duties during JKSSB’s Panchayat Secretary exams on Sunday, officials said.

Teacher on JKSSB exam duty at Al-Sarwat Convent Sr. Sec. School (KP Road Paibugh) Suffered Heart Attack Dies. He has been identified as Mushtaq Ahmad Dar from Nanil Anantnag

The officials said that Mushtaq Ahmad Dar, son of Abdul Khaliq Dar, of Nanil, was stationed at Boys Middle School Muniwar Anantnag. “He suddenly lost consciousness while on duty at Al-Sarwat School Krangsoo.”

The teacher, the officials said, was immediately taken to DH Anantnag, where the doctors declared him as brought dead on arrival

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