JKSCERT Revised 8th Date sheet 2024: New Exam Dates for Class 8th

JKSCERT revised 8th Date sheet 2024: The Jammu and Kashmir State Council of Educational Research and Training (JKSCERT) on Thursday released revised date sheet and Exam time table for Class 8th Middle Standard Examination in both soft and hard zone of session 2023-24.
JKSCERT 8th Exam Date:
The examination in both soft and hard zones will commence from April-02 and will culminate on April-15 in Soft zone of Jammu And kashmir.
In Hard zone areas of Jammu kashmir, Exams are commenced from April 2, 2024 and will conclude on 15 April, 2024.
JKSCERT 8th Exam Time:
JKSCERT said that the timing has been preponed from 11.00 AM to 10.00 AM for commencement of the Middle Standard Examination 2023-24.
In the Soft Zone areas, examinations for subjects including English, Social Science, and Science are scheduled on specific dates, commencing at 10:00 am and will conclude with Regional Language Paper on 15th April 2024. Similarly, in the Hard Zone areas, examinations for subjects such as English, Social Science, Science, Hindi/Urdu, Mathematics, and Regional Languages will also take place at 10:00 am on designated dates.
JKSCERT revised 8th Date sheet 2024
The official JKSCERT Revised 8th Datesheet is Below. Students can Check Exam Dates, time and Paper in below datesheet.
It suggested the students to take their examination at the already notified examination Centres on the above dates well in time.